During the height of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic a team from BJF Group’s Facilities Management Division completed a significant and important project at ATC Pirbright for Amey Defence on behalf of the Ministry of Defence.

The critical project involved the replacement of 10 boilers across 5 accommodation blocks within a tight timescale prior to recruits returning to the barracks. The high efficiency, low NOX boilers will provide heat to these accommodation blocks for the next 15-20 years whilst reducing running costs and emissions. According to a recent Amey press release completing the project early has saved the Army around £45,000 in temporary boiler hire costs.

John Riley, Regional Director – Amey said:

“I just wanted to give some well-deserved recognition to your team at Pirbright. The barracks was pretty much empty when the Army suspended training.  This gave us a gap in which to replace 10 boilers in five accommodation blocks, two per block.  The job was finished ahead of time saving the use of temporary boilers.  The BJF team did a great job! Thank you!”