Fire Safety Solutions

Having completed a number of fire safety related projects in the past, BJF Group has hired a specialist Lead Fire Consultant to bolster our fire safety solutions offering. Over the past few years we have seen a dramatic increase in the amount of fire safety improvement works required by our clients and this was a key driver for the expansion of our services.

The importance of fire safety

Since the Grenfell Tower fire and subsequent Hackitt Review fire safety has become a critical area of focus across all sectors and industries, and this places onus on all levels of responsible authorities to take a more joined up approach to prevent future occurrences. Any owner, landlord or occupier of a business or other non-domestic property (categorised as a ‘responsible person’) has a legal responsibility and moral duty for the protection of human life and property within their buildings. It is therefore crucial for every responsible person to implement risk management for fire safety.

About Tom Newton – Lead Fire Consultant

For BJF Group to remain market leaders in building solutions we have appointed Tom Newton as Lead Fire Consultant. Tom is an AIFSM (Associate of The Institute of Fire Safety Managers) and Technical IOSH member with more than 6 years of experience in fire safety, fire engineering compliance, occupational safety and risk management. Tom has consulted for leading businesses across a range of industries including financial institutions, government agencies, local authorities, education and retail.

Our philosophy is that all businesses should take a proactive approach to fire safety and risk management and our aim is to support our clients in not simply achieving regulatory compliance but striving for industry best practice.

BJF’s offering

As well as providing initial consultation BJF has the capabilities in-house to complete the works resulting from any risk assessments including the installation and maintenance of fire doors, active and passive fire protection.



To find out more about our Fire Safety offering please visit our Fire Safety Solutions page.